Video visits are now available with select Medical Group of the Carolinas providers. We’ve included some information to let you know what to expect during your visit and helpful guides on accessing your appointment virtually.
What is a video visit?
A video visit is a visit between a patient and their medical provider completed virtually with the patient being able to remain safely at home. This is accomplished by using online technology to allow video communication and evaluation.
How do I schedule a video visit?
It’s like scheduling a regular appointment. Simply call your provider’s office and ask to schedule a video visit.
What kind of equipment do patients need?
A computer, tablet or smartphone with a camera. The camera on your device must be enabled for the visit to be successful.
Does a video visit cost more than a regular appointment?
No, and some insurances are covering without a copay. Check with your insurance provider for additional information.
Will you have access to my records, X-rays and scans?
Yes. We are in the office and have access to your medical records. You also have access to your medical records through MyChart.
What should I wear during my video visit?
Comfortable clothes.
Are video visits secure?
Yes. The technology used for telehealth video visits is HIPAA compliant and secure.
What kinds of benefits are there for providers to use video visits?
Video visits allow us to stay in touch and offer medical advice to our patients while they remain at home. Most of primary care medicine is about listening to your patient and obtaining a good medical history.
Can you prescribe medications via video visits?
Yes. Your provider can prescribe most medications, order tests, etc. that they feel are appropriate.
What types of situations aren’t available for video visits?
There are some symptoms, like abdominal pain, that require an in-person exam. We can often start with a video visit. If it becomes apparent that an exam is needed, convert to an in-person visit that same day. Also, there are some conditions that require laboratory blood work that warrants the patient coming into the office.
Once COVID-19 is gone, will telehealth still be an option?
Our patients are really enjoying the convenience of video visits, and we hope insurance providers will continue to cover them after this pandemic is over.