Prevention and Early Detection
At Gibbs Cancer Center, we help reduce your risk of cancer through prevention and early detection. With local, regional and national efforts, we help educate, empower and give our patients access to the resources and screenings they need.
Our extensive multi-disciplinary team devotes undivided attention to each patient to give them the best possible outcomes and defense against cancer. Not all cancers can be prevented, but early detection and a healthy lifestyle are your best protections.
Preventing Ovarian Cancer
Select gynecologists with Medical Group of the Carolinas and Gibbs Gynecologic Oncology are now offering opportunistic salpingectomy procedures. An opportunistic salpingectomy is the removal of the fallopian tubes for the primary prevention of ovarian carcinoma. This is specifically for a patient who is at average risk for these cancers and is also undergoing pelvic surgery for another reason.
More about Gynecologic Oncology
Preventing Skin Cancer
Gibbs Cancer Center regularly supports efforts to prevent skin cancer through routine free community skin cancer screenings across the Upstate. We also provide sunscreen and tents to shield our community from harmful UV rays at numerous events to help protect against cancer.
View Gibbs Cancer Center Events
Preventing Cervical, Anal and Oropharyngeal Cancer
In addition to pap smears for early detection, Gibbs Cancer Center actively encourages HPV vaccination for the prevention of HPV cervical cancer. Gibbs experts have worked with our primary care and pediatric practices to ensure that eligible patients are offered the HPV vaccination. Because HPV can also cause cancers in the oropharynx (throat) and anal canal, vaccination can also prevent these cancers.
Preventing Liver Cancer
Gibbs Cancer Center supports Hepatitis B vaccination and Hepatitis C treatment. Treatment for Hepatitis C is offered through Medical Group of the Carolinas – Gastroenterology and Medical Group of the Carolinas – Center for Infectious Disease.
Preventing Tobacco-Related Cancers
Tobacco is a primary risk factor for cancers of the lung, esophagus, and head and neck. Gibbs Cancer Center was the first in the state to offer smoking cessation through the S.C. Tobacco Quitline integrated into electronic medical records. Our low-dose CT lung cancer screenings are also helping patients detect lung cancers in earlier stages to provide better outcomes.
Preventing Cancers Related to Diet and Inactivity
A healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of many types of cancers. Gibbs Cancer Center and Spartanburg Regional dieticians consistently offer classes on healthy eating and food shopping. Gibbs also supports efforts to promote physical activity, including participating in rehabilitation services, using the Daniel Morgan Trail System in Spartanburg and visiting the Cancer Survivors Park in Greenville.