Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been used to bring balance and harmony back into the body. By strategically inserting small, thin needles into various pressure points throughout the human anatomy, acupuncture can help restore natural equilibrium in individuals suffering from a variety of symptoms and afflictions. At its core, modern acupuncture works by stimulating physiological responses – all tailored specially for each patient.
Acupuncture can offer powerful relief to those undergoing chemotherapy. Research has shown that it is effective in treating the side effects of cancer treatment, such as nausea, dry mouth, pain post-surgery or from aromatase inhibitors, joint pain, and peripheral neuropathy. It can also help with reducing fatigue levels and improving sleep quality while aiding immune regulation within the body. Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to health care, which acknowledges the individual's unique circumstances when tailoring treatments for each person specifically — beyond just addressing their disease directly.
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please call 864-309-0200 or click here.