We know that every family needs support after bringing home a baby. The needs are different in each family – from help with feeding and safe sleep to getting information about child care and parenting groups.
Spartanburg Medical Center is a Family Connects International Certified Community Partner. The benefits of this certification include additional layers of support for all newborns’ primary caregivers who reside in the city of Spartanburg. This includes foster and adoptive parents.
Family Connects links parents to the individual community resources they need regardless of income.
This includes foster and adoptive parents. Shortly after the baby’s birth, a registered nurse will visit the home of the newborn, provide health checks for both the infant and the birth mother, assess needs and offer supportive guidance on a wide variety of child and infant health-related topics. The nurse documents the visit — including the physical assessments and community referrals — and relays the appropriate information to the family’s healthcare providers.