Our surgeons use advanced tools and techniques to treat a broad range of heart conditions. These tools include high-tech computers and specialized equipment to treat rare heart conditions. We perform all surgeries in facilities designed especially for heart patients with 24/7 coverage by cardiothoracic surgeons.
Our surgeons treat serious heart conditions, including:
Computer-Guided Heart Surgery
For many of our procedures, we use the innovative da Vinci Surgical System, a computer-guided system that gives our surgeons greater accuracy than other tools. The smaller incisions, or cuts, needed to complete surgery with this tool allow you to recover much more quickly than after traditional surgery.
For those with irregular heartbeats, or arrhythmias, our computer-guided catheters enable specialists to accurately treat areas of the heart that would otherwise be difficult to reach. We offer the advanced technology of tiny heart pumps to help weaker hearts work until a patient is ready for surgery.
To help patients with rare blockages avoid a second open-heart surgery, we perform a procedure using a diamond “drill” to clear the blood vessel.
Other surgeries we offer include: