Spartanburg Regional Specialty Pharmacy Program understands that your medical needs may be difficult to manage. Our staff is dedicated to working with you, your care team, family and friends to create a fully integrated healthcare team. Our primary goal is to provide you with quality care and ensure you have access to the medication you need.
Our specialty pharmacy offers:
- In-depth consultation services
- Free FedEx/USPS delivery of your medication upon request
- Prescription transfer if Spartanburg Regional Specialty Pharmacy Program cannot fulfill the prescription
- 24/7 support
Personalized Care and Regular Follow-Ups
Our specialty trained staff members will work with you to discuss your treatment plan and address your questions or concerns. We will be in close contact with you throughout the course of your treatment.
There may be instances where you are prescribed a medication that your insurance plan may not cover. We will work diligently to lower your drug costs by getting the medication covered, switching to a medication that is covered, or applying valid manufacturer discounts.
Patient Management Program
Once a treatment plan has been determined by your healthcare team, the patient management program is designed to assist patients with managing side effects, increasing adherence to drug therapies, and overall improvement of your health. If you no longer wish to participate in our patient management program, you may contact our team by phone to opt out.
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News & Highlights
The Pharmacy – Physician Center – Spartanburg and Pharmacy – Gibbs – Carolina Upstate are proud to have earned URAC accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy.

Specialty Pharmacy
Expiration: 02/01/2026