Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Pharmacy wants to make life more convenient for you. We know life is busy, and to make things a little easier for you, we offer over-the-counter medications at all of our locations.
The following over-the-counter medications are available:
- Common pain relievers and anti-fever medications
- Cough and cold remedies
- Allergy remedies
- Gastrointestinal remedies
- Antacids
- Anti-nausea
- Anti-gas
- Anti-diarrheal
- Anti-constipation
- First-Aid products
- Anti-itch creams/ointments
- Common children’s remedies
- Anti-fever liquids
- Cough/cold liquids
- Allergy liquids
- Eye drops
- Pregnancy tests
- Feminine care products
- Vitamins
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