About the SANE/FNE Program
Sexual assault and domestic violence happen in every community in the United States and affects people of any gender, age or race.
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System’s emergency departments provide comprehensive care for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Specially trained medical professionals called forensic nurse examiners (FNEs) are dedicated exclusively to the medical treatment and emotional support of both adult and pediatric assault victims.
FNEs are sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) with additional training in interpersonal violence. They provide treatment and forensic evaluation for:
- Domestic and dating violence
- Sexual assault
- Human trafficking
- Vulnerable adult maltreatment
- Child abuse and neglect
What will happen at the hospital?
Spartanburg Regional offers around-the-clock comprehensive care and treatment to victims of sexual assault, dating violence and sex trafficking. This care is provided by a forensic nurse examiner (FNE).
- You will be treated with dignity and respect, and your care will be administered with compassion and sensitivity.
- You will be taken to a private room where an FNE will conduct a thorough medical forensic examination.
- You will be provided with information concerning options for your care so that you can make informed decisions about the services you want to receive. Depending on your circumstances, these may include photographic documentation of injuries, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy prevention medications and evidence collection.
- You will receive information about local resources and counseling to help you recover.
- You will have access to shower facilities, toiletries and a change of clothing.
Law enforcement options:
- If an adult patient chooses to report the sexual assault and/or domestic violence to law enforcement, the forensic nurse examiner (FNE) will notify them on the patient's behalf. This is optional.
- When a victim is younger than 18, the FNE must contact law enforcement. They will also involve the Children's Advocacy Center of Spartanburg, Cherokee & Union. This nonprofit organization provides support and services to children who have been sexually and/or physically abused.
Sexual Assault
If you are a victim of sexual assault, there are several steps you should take:
- Please seek medical attention as soon as possible.
- Get to a safe place and call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. At any Spartanburg Regional emergency department, a Forensic Nurse Examiner will meet you.
- DO NOT shower, bathe or change your clothing.
- DO NOT eat, drink, smoke, brush your teeth or use the bathroom, if possible.
- DO NOT clean your home or the area where the assault occurred.
- DO NOT avoid seeking medical care because of cost. All patients are seen regardless of their ability to pay. Sexual assault examinations are paid for by the Department of Crime Victim Compensation, and no insurance claims will be filed for services directly related to the sexual assault exam.
Even if several days have passed since you were assaulted, it is still important to get evaluated. Evidence can be collected for up to 96 hours (four days) after the assault, even if you have bathed. If you are an adult and choose not to report the assault to law enforcement, evidence may still be collected. The FNE will talk to you more about your options.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is more than just physical abuse. It is any pattern of behavior that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. This may include:
- Emotional/psychological measures (intentional humiliation, belittling, minimizing abuse, threats to commit suicide)
- Financial measures (controlling all access to money, setting allowance)
- Technology (demands to read text messages/know passwords, uses technology for tracking/surveillance)
For more information, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
At Spartanburg Regional emergency departments in Greer, Spartanburg, Union and Gaffney, our FNE team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide care and support for victims of sexual assault, sex trafficking or domestic abuse.
The following community partners are also available to assist:
Project REST – provides counseling, legal advocacy, emergency shelter, and other services at no cost for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union counties
SCVAN Legal Services – provides legal consultation to victims of crime
SC 2-1-1 – United Way's 2-1-1 provides a comprehensive list of resources for any person in need
SCCADVASA – South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, a list of statewide domestic violence and sexual assault resource agencies for those needing services outside of Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties
Campus Forensic Nurse Liaison
Sexual assault and dating violence are serious problems on college campuses that often go unreported. More than 1 in 4 undergraduate female students and 1 in 15 male students experience sexual assault while in college, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.
The Spartanburg Regional Foundation received a federal grant to increase students' access to forensic medical care in Spartanburg, Union and Cherokee counties.
The program educates college faculty and students about these issues, assists with prevention protocols and informs about the services that are available for sexual assault and dating violence victims at all Spartanburg Regional emergency departments.
This program is facilitated by the Spartanburg Regional campus forensic nurse liaison who is a specially trained forensic nurse examiner.
Information items distributed by the Campus Forensic Nurse Liaison are produced by Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System under award number 2020-V3-GX-0063, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this brochure are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the United States Department of Justice.
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News & Highlights
What is sexual assault?
Sexual assault is ANY sexual activity that one does not consent to, or is incapable of taking part in.
What should I do if I am sexually assaulted?
- If you are in immediate danger, get to a safe place and call 911.
- Know that sexual assault is never your fault, no matter the circumstances.
- Consider seeking immediate medical attention.
Read our three-part Discover Health series that looks at what happens in the aftermath of sexual assault and sex trafficking. In it, we talk with a sexual assault victim; her name has been changed to protect her identity.
Part I: After Sexual Assault
In the aftermath of rape or sexual assault, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners can give a voice to the victims.

Part II: Taking the Power Back
“SANE and the hospital system, they are critical to our success,” Spartanburg Police Lt. Doug Harwell said.

Part III: The Faces of Sex Trafficking
Sex trafficking often involves young men, women and teens. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners know the signs to look for.